
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Texas has Bluebonnets in bloom!

Texas Bluebonnets are so Beautiful in Bloom!


Norma Jones and I at the Bluebonnet Festival in Burnet

Loretta Ingerman and I at the Bluebonnet festival

Norma. Loretta and I

Another of Norma, Loretta and I

Loretta and Norma and I had fun visiting the booths 
at the Art and Crafts Fair on Saturday

In a field of Bluebonnets could not be happier

Had to tie my hair back in a french braid as it was quite windy

Can't tell you how pretty these are but the color is Brilliant

More bluebonnets

Again so pretty

They look like a carpet as you are driving down the road

Amazing to see up close

Road kill  poor Armadillo

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