Well I did try my best but it just was not enough for the stiff competition we had this year. Normally they choose way more people but they were limited to only 20 this year and to top things off they let the winners from Last Year also compete. I believe they might have been looking for a younger style or something more in line with corporates designs. I should have thought about that and made my designs a little less challenging but when you think Artisan you think they are looking for the best creations, out of the box ideas and really artsy stuff. I have seen some of the work of some of our other non finalist designers and they were really awesome stuff. They were things I would have looked for if I were judging. Sad to say but We really have some talented ladies that aren't getting the recognition they deserved. I mean how would the demonstrators of the year feel if we cut them back to only 50 participants? Well I have decided to try again next year as silly as that sounds. But it is a goal I would like to achieve before I die. A Bucket List item for me.
Well I was not going to show off my stuff till after convention but check here over the next few weeks and I will share some of the items I entered. Here is one of my 3D items
Your projects were wonderful-the umbrella is incredible!