Monday, July 27, 2015

Pinwheel Boxes with Envelope Punch Board

Pinwheel Boxes by Debi Pippin 

3 different sizes made on the envelope punch board
 To Make Largest size for
 Tea bags , Single  Large Reeses cup,   Ghiradelli
Punch and Score 6x6 "piece of double sided paper at 2 1/4 and 3 1/4" on all sides
Cut the small Rectangles on each side of the small square in the middle of each of the half Diamonds.  Cut on the score line of the left side of each of the small squares only to the next score line on all sides.
Box fold each of the half diamonds all the way around while folding in the small square.  Tuck the last score into the first.  Don't forget to  
insert your treats before folding all the way.
Here is a picture of the folding and fold in clockwise each 

time folding the next one on top of the previous one.

The medium size is made the same way except you use 4x4" paper and your punch and score will be at 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 on all sides.  This box will hold 4 of the square kraft caramels

The smallest size I have made for a Dove chocolate It is made the same way.  Here are those dimensions  3 1/2 x 3 1/2" paper punch and score at 1 1/4 and at 2 1/4

Hope  you enjoy these directions and make plenty of treats.  Just remember to link back to my blog site

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  • Debi Barth Pippin

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the idea of making these personalized treat boxes.
