I have lived in Florida all my life and never visited Tarpon Springs. My friend and bead teacher Marsha asked me to go with her to pick up her friend Terri from Massachusetts at the Airport a few weeks back. We picked her up and went to a Stamp show in Clearwater and then had lunch in Tarpon Springs which was a new thing for me. I had my camera along so I thought I would post some pictures to my blog for you to see. Marsha's sister Joan went along with and was our very great driver.

Here is one of the big boats
Some gals playing the ukeleles and singing there were several people playing and singing for tips.

Cool sign
A Hand painted tile wall

Marsha and Terri

inside one of the shops
Temptations for my edit (diet)

This is my favorite but I did avoid getting some What will power!

More delicious temptations in the Bakery
Vendors were everywhere

Sponge diver in suit
Some Sponges for sale

Blue Fin Cafe
Hope you enjoyed the visit. I must go back again some day.
Thanks Marsha for asking me to come along.
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